A Changed Perspective? (A 2020 Reflection)
28 December 2020
I have a sort of heads-up on these A 2020 Reflection prompts a few days before they go live by virtue of channeling them. Even so, some of them really catch me off-guard days later when it’s time for me to do my own work with them.
This was one of those prompts.
Prompt 10
Here’s what I channeled:
Consider and reflect upon the work you have undertaken in this final month of the year that is 2020.
Acknowledge yourself and be in gratitude to yourself for the work and your commitment to self.
Then, as you reflect upon 2020 from this healing perspective, permit that you will soften your gaze.
Ask yourself, "How has my perspective of 2020 changed through the prompts I've completed? How have I also changed?"
For sure, these prompts have helped me to let go of some - maybe even most - of my angst around 2020 in general. So, mission accomplished on that front. I’m super grateful.
Softening my gaze, as the prompt suggests, I wonder if 2020 was as “bad” as all that. I still feel it has probably been one of the most challenging years in this lifetime.
At the same time, I feel as though I’m able to sort through the rubble and identify points and pockets of sweetness - even joy - in amongst it. In fact, I notice they stand out more than they did a month and more ago. A definite change.
I’m super grateful for that, too.
As for how I’ve changed… Feeling as though the biggest change is my willingness to accept 2020 for what it was, rather than curse it and kick it to the curb. I’m simply filing it away with other years, albeit tossing some energetic black tourmaline into its “folder.”
Progress is awesome.
Blessed be.