Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Channeling Serapis Bey: Galactic Gateway Part 1

Channeling Serapis Bey came as a surprise - to a degree, at least. My guides were clear with me before they had me create the video below that I'd be channeling a major message. That clarity came with a knowing that there would be another energy aside from my guides. They showed me Serapis Bey, and yet until he actually came through, I wasn't 100% certain.Channeling Serapis Bey: The Galactic Gateway Part 1 ~ Intuitive Ellen ~ Diving into information about the galactic gateway of February 15, 2018. #channeling #serapisbey #gateway

Why Serapis Bey?

Some of that question is answered in the video. The greater piece in this equation, vaguely referenced in the video, is that of the Christ consciousness. That's in the sense that it's a consciousness which is wholly open to the soul self and abilities.I invite you to set aside any qualms about the labeling of this consciousness. The label is "known," and so helps to define the tone of the consciousness.

Channeling Serapis Bey: The Galactic Gateway Part 1

Here's the text I used to describe the video embedded below:

This is my first video that's predominantly channeling - more of my guides (and Serapis Bey) talking than me. We're diving into the uncharted waters of the galactic gateway opening February 15, 2018.Please bear with me as I work with my guides and other energies to fine-tune the way my muscles are manipulated. It's a little disconcerting for me to watch, simply because it appears somewhat awkward and exaggerated to me. We're working on it. xoxoThe card used in this video is Serapis Bey from Kyle Gray's Keepers of the Light oracle cards deck.

And here's the video: and impressions are welcome. Comments are open. Peace.