Comparison Is Ego

Daily card and channeled message: The Devil from Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba.
“Supposing you are lesser than another is as much ego as supposing you are greater than another. Supposing your lack of all that is material renders you more holy than another is as much ego as supposing your glut of all that is material renders you more wealthy than another. Supposing your labor to share your ability makes you less successful than another is as much ego as supposing your ease of ability makes you more successful than another. Comparison is ego.”
Confession #1: When I turned this card over after drawing it, my response was, “Really? Again?” It felt like we were on some sort of a roll after the past couple days. How silly of me.
Confession #2: I slip into comparison mode more often than I care to admit, and typically find myself lacking. “Boo, hiss,” as my dad liked to say. Comparison, begone!