Grounding, Clearing and Shielding Made Simple

27 February 2025

On the Available Courses menu in my campus, you’ll find a free course called Ground, Clear, Shield. It started as an email offering for new subscribers to my list nine years ago. It’s still decent, in spite of its age. (It’s elderly in this digital era.) However, it’s also somewhat involved.

My grounding, clearing, and shielding practice has evolved over the years. By evolved, I mean it’s become more streamlined and simple—in other words, less involved.

In spite of the evolution, one thing has remained the same: I complete this practice every morning without fail. (Due to my work, I also complete it every night before I climb into bed.)



At this point, grounding involves “associating” (my guides’ word) the soles of my feet with Earth. It doesn’t matter if I walk outside and put my feet on a patch of dirt or grass, or if I imagine and intend my feet touching Earth from the comfort of my home in the middle of Winter. Either way works well and is efficient, so my ego can’t make excuses about it taking too much time.

Fun fact: Through the imagining and intending, the form of Earth changes. I’ve felt cold, hard Earth, ocean-wet sands, sun-warmed soil…


The method of clearing I use varies from day to day, even though they each accomplish the same objective. Monday I might find myself calling in a wash of light that transmutes what needs it. Tuesday, I might feel guided to use the three-rings practice to remove misaligned energy. On Wednesday, I might discover that the “wind of light” will best serve me.

I don't assume that any one method will work best. Instead, I use basic intuitive intelligence—along with nudges from my guides, as needed—to discern what will be most helpful.


For shielding, I envision my energy field, allowing myself to see its perimeter. I scan the perimeter for tears, holes, or weak spots. If any are identified, I use energy work to close or strengthen them as necessary. Then, I intend my entire energy field is strong and supple. Tada! Complete.

Additional Shielding, as Necessary

Sometimes, if I need to be out and about around many other people, I might add an extra layer of shielding. While my everyday shielding is more than sufficient, I’m an empath in addition to being a psychic intuitive. When “peopling” outside the house is required of me, the extra layer of shielding helps to buffer what could be an extreme amount of intelligence and sensation from overwhelming me.

In those instances, I envision a cube of clear energy surrounding my energy field. I step into it as I exit the house, it comes with me wherever I may go, and then I step out of it when I enter the house upon my return. Any energy that may have attached itself to the cube is left with it for transmutation, while I retain whatever intelligence I may have noted and deemed important.

There we have it: grounding, clearing, and shielding made simple. May it benefit you on your journey.

Yours in peace and clarity,


Easing into the Season… with a New-to-Earth Energy Framework