005. Soul Recovery and Healing

3 March 2021

Soul recovery, a.k.a. soul retrieval, and healing are a big topic. This episode, while addressing the basic constructs of these procedures, keeps it relatively plain and simple. That’s important and necessary, because there are so many variables and perspectives dependent on each person and their individual requirements.

Even so, you’ll find some principles from which to make a start on a healing journey like no other.


The Transcript

Hi, there. And we will be speaking of the intuition as it relates to recovering your soul.

Oh, wow. Wow.There's a topic: our intuition as it relates to recovering our soul. I think, first of all, we need to define what “recovering our soul” means. And so, I'm asking my guides - actually, I'm going to say our guides, because I just heard the word “collective” - so, our guides.

And what do we mean by recovering the soul is recovering, healing those pieces that have reflected upon you into your current perception of the reality of the human incarnation, that you may enjoy a more fulfilling and evolved way of being. And so, understand in some ways too, this could be in a way of soul retrieval. It could also mean simply that you are connecting the aspects of the soul - reconnecting aspects of the soul - to create a whole environment.

Yeah, so… How familiar are you with the concept of soul retrieval, soul recovery, soul healing? This is the sort of work that we might do through past-life regression... other life… I can't even call it regression, can I, if I say “other life”? Other life connection… other life observation.

And we see that this is important as well, because it is not just lives that in your human understanding have occurred before your life that is now. It is also involving lives that are concurrent, and lives that you would perceive as not yet lived.

Yeah. I don't know if it was a blog post or a podcast episode that I did over the past couple of months regarding reframing past lives to other lives for that very reason. I will link to whatever that may be, regardless of what it is, so that you can find that in the show notes and… and see what came up content-wise.

So… soul recovery, soul healing. This is something that comes up with some of my clients and it is typically those who are, hmm… How do I want to put it? Is it fair to say that they are definitely toward the end of their incarnations here on Earth?Yeah, for sure.

Because when we're getting into this sort of healing, we have already done so much in the way of healing over various lifetimes and, as well, within this current lifetime as we perceive it, that we have enough understanding, we have enough, I heard, “intuitive intelligence, emotional intelligence” to be able to go there.

“When we get into soul healing, we have already done so much in the way of healing over various lifetimes and, as well, within this current lifetime as we perceive it, that we have enough understanding, we have enough, I heard, ‘intuitive intelligen…

“When we get into soul healing, we have already done so much in the way of healing over various lifetimes and, as well, within this current lifetime as we perceive it, that we have enough understanding, we have enough, I heard, ‘intuitive intelligence, emotional intelligence” to be able to go there.” Quote from episode Innately Intuitive Podcast, episode 005. Soul Recovery and Healing with Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. #soulrecovery #soulretrieval #soulhealing #intuitivehealing #intuitiveintelligence #selfcare #selfhealing #ellenmgregg #innatelyintuitivepodcast #innatelyintuitive #intuitivehealer


Because going there can be beautiful. It can also be disrupting, disturbing, harrowing because the stuff that can come up can be things that happened to us in those other lives that are just very difficult to process.

And when there are reflections of those events here in our lives, they affect us both at a very personal level and yet also inevitably at a very interpersonal level.

And that makes it really important to address, because… I just heard, “stunt your growth.” Yes, it could literally - I mean really, truly - stunt our growth in terms of our human growth and also our evolutionary growth as a soul.

How do we recover and heal our soul?

So how do we approach this sort of thing? You can approach it through hypnosis; through something similar to past-life regression. You can approach it through meditation. And by the way, if you haven't experienced hypnosis, hypnosis and meditation are quite alike. Not going to get into it, but I'm just going to say, they're quite alike; surprisingly alike.

And for some of us, it doesn't require meditation, it doesn't require hypnosis; it simply requires the intention and what we need to see, feel, experience is there. It crystallizes enough so that we can do with it what needs doing.

One thing that we wish for you to have an understanding of here is, when you are working with other aspects of yourself, other incarnations you have lived, you are living, it is important to be able to observe those other incarnations as, yes, yourself and yet also yourself as an observer. There must be enough of an understanding within you, that you can in a way separate who you be now from who you be then.

Yes, very important. Because even as it's imperative we understand that what we're viewing, what we're experiencing, is something our soul, in a different human suit or different suit of some sort, is something we have experienced because we are a part of that soul.

And so, those other incarnations… those are us and at the same time, we need to be able to, in a way, distance ourselves so that we can be the wise observer, so that we can be the practitioner, the healer, the wizard… whatever it is that we need to be to create healing for that other aspect of ourselves, and also for ourselves as we are now.

And I'm being reminded, having said that, how sort of mind-bending this can be - especially if it's something that you're unfamiliar with.

What we see here is, it is important for you to simply look at it as though, if you were to imagine, as though that you are a garlic bulb. A garlic bulb has many garlic pieces within it. It has the cloves, yes? And so, even though there are many cloves, there is one bulb. And this is as it is for the soul. There is one soul, and yet there are many aspects of the soul; many expressions of the soul. Perhaps this will help.

“A garlic bulb has many garlic pieces within it. It has the cloves, yes? And so, even though there are many cloves, there is one bulb. And this is as it is for the soul. There is one soul, and yet there are many aspects of the soul; many expressions…

“A garlic bulb has many garlic pieces within it. It has the cloves, yes? And so, even though there are many cloves, there is one bulb. And this is as it is for the soul. There is one soul, and yet there are many aspects of the soul; many expressions of the soul.” Quote from episode Innately Intuitive Podcast, episode 005. Soul Recovery and Healing with Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer. #soulrecovery #soulretrieval #soulhealing #intuitivehealing #intuitiveintelligence #selfcare #selfhealing #ellenmgregg #innatelyintuitivepodcast #innatelyintuitive #intuitivehealer


Yes, I really appreciate that. That does help a lot. I'm a very visual person. That was like oh, yes, that's… that's a great metaphor? analogy? I always get those two mixed up.

So... So, back to how do we approach this. You approach this in the way that you are able to. Again, whether it is through meditation, hypnosis, intention - all of it involves intention, but intention as I mentioned intending to address a certain aspect that needs healing; that needs assistance.

Identifying the need… and the incarnation

And that is, of course, as well understanding that you have identified - that we have identified - a need for healing of one of those aspects of ourselves; that something is showing up for us that we are not able to draw a line to, connect to in some way, anything that we have experienced in our current Incarnation as we interpret it.

And so then, needing to look beyond this incarnation for the source of that upheaval; for the root of the unrest, the dis-ease. And so, in that seeking then, this is when we will be led to the aspect of ourselves that is the need.

And yes, if you are unfamiliar with being able to process something of this nature, to ask questions of your intuition, of your guides, of other supports who may be able to walk you through the process, it may be helpful to actually connect with someone who does this sort of work.

Otherwise, if you do feel that you can ask the questions needed, ask for the help needed from your divine resources, from your intuitive resources, then you ask questions to really hone in on what needs addressing. And then you ask for divine direction to actually fulfill that.

And once it is complete then, in a way you need to back out or return from - cross the bridge that you crossed to get to that aspect of yourself; come back to the other side of the bridge; come back to who you be now, who you are now - and discover if there is any further requirements that you now need to really solidify that healing, that intervention, for yourself.

Not your run-of-the-mill intuitive work

Again, acknowledging here this is a really big concept. And it is not your run-of-the-mill intuitive work. And at the same time, the fact that it's being brought up as the topic for this week's podcast indicates there's a need for it to be brought up.

It indicates that there are people who are experiencing things that they cannot find cause for within their human life. And perhaps this will open a window; perhaps this will turn on a light and show you that there is another possibility, another potential reason, for what you're experiencing, and giving you a tool so that you can effect the healing that is needed.

Boy, this is a tough one for me, in the sense that I know I've said enough in terms of what it is that we're talking about; about possible ways of approaching it, and at a very… just at a very sort of generic level. And very intentionally, because there could be so many things that are coming up.

One of the things is, my hand is going to my womb. And so, suppose there is someone who is wishing to get pregnant, and everything physically speaking and even mentally speaking appears to be in order. There is no reason for this woman to be unable to bear a child as far as human perception goes; as far as human diagnostics goes.

And yet… And yet... Something is standing in the way and it's something that is intangible; something that exists in the liminality of the soul.

And so, that's one of those instances where you could ask for divine guidance or ask for professional support to reveal to you the incarnation - or sometimes it's more than one incarnation -that are impacting the ability to get pregnant in this lifetime; in this incarnation.

Beautiful work, sorrowful work

It's a really fascinating thing. It's fascinating work. It's beautiful work. It can be deeply sorrowful because of the details that may come up around what happened,

…and yet through looking into that sorrow, in wondering how you can help, you are immersing yourself into your soul in a different way. And you are impacting your soul, your incarnation, in ways that are going to elevate your evolution and also elevate your experience as a human.

Yeah, for sure. Wow. Anything else I'm meant to say about this? No.

I feel like this is one of those episodes that has a dot, dot, dot, at the end of it. It feels really open-ended in a way, because it's the tip of the iceberg in terms of better understanding the layers of us; in better understanding how all those cloves come together to make the bulb that is our soul.

And so, if you have any questions regarding this, if you feel that you need help with this, then you can leave questions in the comments section of the blog post associated with this episode, on my website at ellenmgregg.com.

And yes, you can book me for an intuitive session that can be dedicated to soul healing, also at ellenmgregg.com. The specific links to both of those are in the show notes for this episode.

So, there we have it. A lot of it. Because that's a lot - not a long episode, really, and yet that's a lot to take in. So, let yourself just take it in and be curious about its import for and impact on you and your life. That's the most important part.

You can listen to and subscribe to Innately Intuitive Podcast through most major streaming outlets.

Wishing you a wonderful, expansive, intuitive day. Take good care.


Other Lives: Reframing Our Perception of Past Lives

Intuitive Sessions

Podcast music, “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.



