019. Grow Your Claircognizance
8 June 2021
Our topic for episode 19 of Innately Intuitive Podcast is claircognizance: clear knowing. This intuitive sense garners the most interest when I poll my email list. It’s the ability that most people want clearer and stronger access to. The “why” of that is addressed in this episode, and a couple of exercises are offered to strengthen that particular intuitive muscle.
The Transcript
Hi. Welcome to Innately Intuitive Podcast, where owning your intuition is as much about raising your vibration as it is about grounding you. I'm Ellen M. Gregg, your host.
In case you're new, it will be helpful to know that a lot of channeling happens here, including the topics of all solo episodes. It's one of the ways my spirit team keeps me awake and present. Enjoy.
And in this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, we will be discussing the claircognizance. What is claircognizance? Claircognizance is clear knowing. And what does this mean? This is the ability to know in an instant something that was not present before that instant. It is something that is unrelated to what is otherwise present for the human experiencing the ability.
And so as an example, claircognizance could be when there is a knowing that there will be a phone call. It could also be that in addition to knowing there will be a phone call, the identity of the color will be known. There is no reason that can be assigned to this knowing. The person is otherwise occupied doing other things when that knowing is appearing within their consciousness. And then it occurs.
Yeah. Claircognizance. So my experience with claircognizance, as an example, has happened while watching an episode of Jeopardy! It typically will happen during a category that I know nothing about or extremely little about beyond very generic, general details. And the answer will be offered up and then the question will appear in my head and it will be correct.
And the couple or few times that has happened... Honestly, I've been just so delighted because - especially with topics that are otherwise foreign to me or things that I'm not even really interested in - to have that information just appear in my consciousness and to know that there is absolutely nothing that I can connect the dots to, to explain why that information was suddenly there, is just so cool.
It isn’t déjà vu…
That has also occurred with phone calls, with texts, emails, communications of that nature. It has also occurred in a way that is very similar to déjà vu. The thing about déjà vu is, typically it happens when we're in the midst of something and suddenly we feel as though we are remembering having already been in that situation. The dialogue we are already familiar with.
That sense of déjà vu is more like a remembering. Claircognizance in a similar situation could be that you're in conversation with somebody - and actually, I'm being shown very specifically a group of people - and everything is otherwise, quote-unquote, normal and suddenly you know what is going to happen next.
What is absent from that knowing that makes it dissimilar to déjà vu is there's no sense of participation. You aren't remembering in the sense of you being a part of it, which is an essence of déjà vu. Instead, it's as if someone just handed you a script and said, here's what comes next.
…and it isn’t for personal gain
What we notice about the claircognizance is this is an ability we notice that humans wish to have, wish to attain, wish to strengthen. And for most it could be said that their wishing that strengthening is with the best of intentions.
For others, they are wishing to strengthen it so that they may perhaps know who will win a race upon which they are betting; know the lottery numbers; know something that will give them some sort of gain, some sort of access, some sort of sense of superiority.
This is something we encourage all of you who are in wishing for exercising and strengthening their claircognizance to have an awareness of within yourselves. This is something you will wish to avoid.
Yeah, I feel as though other than basic practicalities, there are very few cautions that come up around most intuitive abilities. And those practicalities revolve around making certain that the intention is clear. Making certain that the energy is high. Making sure that we're grounded and shielded and then go for it. Have fun. Play in the sandbox.
When it comes to claircognizance, there can be a different tone around it because even for the person who otherwise has no interest in intuitive abilities, the potential for gain is pretty clear.
Practicing claircognizance
So how do we practice claircognizance? How do we practice claircognizance? I'm actually asking that question to my guides - to our guides. Let's see what they have to say about that.
And so, what we notice is, when it comes to the claircognizance, understand that there needs to be an absence of thought. And this could be true for all of the clair senses and yet with this one in particular, the lack of thought is critical to the success of the ability. Because if you are in the process of thinking or overthinking, you will not be available to receive what is being offered.
When you are, then, practicing claircognizance, it could be that if the phone rings, do not look at the ID. Sense who it is. Same with a text. Same with an email. You may hear the notification. Do not look until you have a consciousness that says who this may be. And then permit yourself to look.
This will give you an idea around the feeling, the sensation related to claircognizance. This will also give you the opportunity to notice that perhaps it is that the phone is ringing and what you know is that this is your mother calling and instead it is your father. It could be said that it is an obvious and simple leap. It is still a parent. Wonder if you think, feel, know “mother” and it is a doctor. What could be the correlation?
And actually, I asked, “Will there be a correlation?” And I was told, “Yes.” So that is a little nugget to consider in this.
Are there any other ways that claircognizance can be practiced? I mean, you could use a game show, like Jeopardy! or The Chase; something that involves trivia. Because unless you are a trivia buff - unless you are one of the Ken Jennings of the world - it's unlikely that you are going to have a body of knowledge around a lot of topics.
And so that could be a great way to exercise. Allow yourself to play along and be especially mindful of the categories that you truly know next to nothing or nothing about.
In closing
Let's see… Anything else to say about claircognizance? I don't think so. So once again, have fun with this. Don't make it all heavy and serious. Yes, you can be studious, and yet at the same time, make certain that you are being light of heart around this. You will find greater success from that perspective than from the more serious perspective. Okay?
Thank you so much for listening. You can subscribe through most major podcast streaming outlets and you can read transcripts and leave comments on my blog at ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes. Take good care.
Jeopardy! (TV show)
The Chase (TV show)
Podcast music: “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.