Channeled Guidance with Ellen M. Gregg

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Mercury Retrograde: It's Back

Mercury retrograde returns tomorrow - August 30 - and hangs out through September 22.Are we excited??In actuality, it will benefit us to be excited by the opportunity MercRec offers us, perhaps especially in light of the revelation in this week's weekly guidance.Remembering that Mercury retrograde is all about verbs that begin with "re," we can make good use of this time so we can acclimate to what's coming.

"Re" verbs will serve us well during this retrograde.

Verbs like...

♦ Reassess♦ Restore♦ Replenish♦ Remember♦ Regenerate♦ Renovate♦ Retry♦ Record♦ Report♦ Repair

How can they serve?Retrograde healing: reassess, restore, replenish, remember, regenerate, renovate, retry, record, report, repair


Who we're being and how we're being and who and how we're being with.


Spiritual practices that fill. us. up.


Our bodies and minds with wholesome foods and information and self-talk.


Who we really are and why we're really here.


The positions we wish to be in service.


Our living and work spaces to be better aligned with our spiritual needs.


To balance mind, body, and spirit. Over and over until it's doing and not trying.


Thoughts, words, and deeds which promote a holistic lifestyle. Reuse those thoughts, words, and deed judiciously and generously.


The thoughts, words, and deeds to our spiritual communities. Through reporting, we're sharing our personal experiences and successes, yes, and we're also permitting others to be inspired.


Whatever needs it. Whether it's physical, mental, emotional, repair what needs repairing and, in some cases, recognize that separation is the reparation that's needed.We aren't limited to these "re" verbs. We can note what others may rise to the surface of our consciousness and consider how they can serve.

Go Gently

We see we will wish for you to consider how the new energies incoming and the retrograde incoming may affect you. We see the effects may be extreme.We wish for you to consider how you will be in service to your needs. We wish for you to consider how you will navigate the physical needs of the new energies, and how you will allow the energies to align themselves with you.We wish for you to be in remembering what is available to you by way of assistance. We see meditation. We see one light energy. We see Reiki. We see wholesome food. We see plenty of water. We see sleep.

So. Yes. Go gently. Go wisely, too.We need to listen to our intuition, to our guides, and to our angels. All will serve to help us through this remarkable time in our human journeys.Journal what's being experienced, or blog or vlog about it, if that resonates.For spiritual support that's "safe," connect with like-minded souls.