Questions Answered: Heartstorming v. Brainstorming
"What's heartstorming," my client wondered after I shared a suggestion with them. "I've never heard of it."
"It's the heart-focused version of brainstorming. The intention is, we source inspiration from our heart rather than our head."

"Heartstorming" came to me at some point last year. I intended to have a brainstorming session around something. And as I created a calendar block* for it, my fingers typed "heartstorming" instead. It thrilled me and filled me, because it felt so much more aligned than brainstorming. It made clear where the energy of that session must stem from.
And once the word arrived, it never left. It settled in for the long haul, which I deeply appreciate. It reminds me, every time, that sourcing the heart provides all the inspiration I need.
Comparing brainstorming and heartstorming
With brainstorming, we think. It gets us all up in our head, seeking lightbulb moments from our brain matter. We may find ourselves more inclined toward getting stuck or blocked through overthinking.
And while a tried and true method, it comes with limitations built in. The main source of limitation stems from our subconscious, which categorizes and judges to a fault. By its very nature, it's contractive.
With heartstorming, we sense. It's a different energy focus. It centers us in our heart, seeking intuitive wisdom from source/spirit and our soul. We likely find ourselves with a deluge of inspiration as this space makes way for great openness and flow.
And while new to my client and now to you, it comes with endless potential built in. That potential rises from the unfettered and infinite collective wisdom available for us when we tune in to the intuitive heart space. By its very nature, it's expansive.
So, the next time you find yourself in need of generating ideas, you might attempt heartstorming over brainstorming. Consider it an experiment, if that suits you. Be curious about the difference in feeling and practice, and about the outcome.
Blessed be.
*Great video on calendar blocking: right here.