The Heat of the Moment

Daily card and channeled message: Five of Wands from Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Books.
“We see the heat of the moment lending itself to energy of anger and bitterness. Assign the coolness of reasoning with the soul and notice the heat falls to warmth.”
When I turned this card over, I heard “jibber-jabber” and felt tense and terse words born of agitation and self-righteousness. That we have Mercury retrograde “installing” tomorrow may have something to do with this energy.
The best thing we can do, if we find ourselves leaning into a situation of this nature, is refocus on the truth of us and all we communicate with: our souls. It might even help to use the practice of a talking stick to help avoid fiery jibber-jabber. May warm tongues prevail.