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Categories: Divination Earth Matters Energy Work Intuition Podcast Spirituality Well-Being Writing
011: Julia Schneider of Alive with Possibility
In this episode of Soul Chats Podcast, holistic health coach Julia Schneider speaks to the importance of nature for our well-being, and theorizes on the level at which intuitive abilities are expressed. It’s a fascinating conversation.
010: Aishah Iqbal of The Way to Weight Loss
This conversation with women’s weight loss coach Aishah Iqbal is full of passion and inspiration and motivation. Enjoy.
006: Helen Stevenson of New Attitudes
Helen Stevenson speaks of her business New Attitudes and its great intent to support people of all ages to navigate life’s challenges.
005: Virna Cothrin of Colibri Blue Group
In this episode of Soul Chats Podcast I chat with Virna Cothrin of Colibri Blue Group. She’s a business consultant and coach who’s all heart.
003: Tina Graham of Beneficial Bodyworks
In this episode, guest Tina Graham and I discuss Reiki (and energy healing in general), essential oils, Yoga, Ayurveda and more.
001: Saralyn Salisbury-Jones
In this first episode of Soul Chats, Saralyn Salisbury-Jones shares her philosophy on wellness, and how she came to create Middle Way Wellness.