Calling all…
Earth angels, energy healers, light workers, intuitives, mediums, psychics
Join us on
Tuesday, 8 April 2025
at 4:30 pm ET (U.S.)
Fair Energy Exchange: Your name and email address to register

More about Call to Light: Activation and Alignment
This event was brought to me by the energy group known to me as OE, aka original energy. My guides introduced me to the group several years ago, and it now figures largely in almost everything I do.
This activation and alignment are intended to prepare practitioners of the “soul arts” for the energetic framework supporting the higher frequencies engaging with Earth. The event includes:
a healing for Earth
the activation of the new energy framework
an alignment with the higher frequencies
The time commitment is approximately 45 minutes.
The fair energy exchange is simply the information required to register: your name and email address.
Does this resonate? Use the button below to register for the live event on Zoom.
Please feel free to share with anyone who fits the list of identifiers at the top of the page.