001. Divine Sexuality: The Spiral Podcast
4 August 2021
Welcome to The Spiral Podcast. This is the next step in the evolution of my podcast, which began as Soul Chats Podcast and transitioned into Innately Intuitive Podcast before resolving into The Spiral Podcast.
You’ll find intriguing conversations, controversial opinions, deep insights and engaging perspectives on things existing within our Muggle world and yet requiring of us an investment of belief and faith and surrender that we may clearly see them.
In This Episode
In this episode of The Spiral Podcast, we’re talking about divine sexuality. By “we’re” I mean my guest Shiai and myself. By divine sexuality, I mean sexuality viewed from a spiritual perspective. We touch upon:
sexual exploration
sexual evolution
sex as “play”
and much more. Put your ear buds in if there are young ears around that you’d rather not hear this discussion and its potential for raising questions you aren’t ready to discuss.
E: Welcome to the first official episode of The Spiral Podcast. Today I have a guest and with that guest comes a really, really interesting topic. My guest today is Shia and our topic is divine sexuality. Welcome Shia.
S: Thanks, Ellen.
E: I'm so glad that you were willing to do this. I know that that it is a stretch for you, in the sense that knowing that other people are going to hear this discussion is vulnerable. And yet, at the same time, I really hope that you have a sense of how important it is.
S: Yeah, I would use the word edgy; edgy to be putting this out there, not knowing exactly what is going to come of this. And it also, at the same time, does feel really grounded. And you know my own experience, the first thing I thought of this, who else is this going on for? And, you know, how can we look at it collectively? So in that regard, it feels good.
E: Good. I'm so glad. And the point that you made about what you're going through happening for other people I think is probably why guidance came through so strongly around bringing this here. Yeah. I'm- Actually, I have a little bit of channeling so I'm just going to let it rip.
And so, yes, what we notice here is for you, Shiai, and you, Ellen, both of you are seeing things quite differently in terms of human sexuality. And that is because the sexuality is, you might say, catching up with the vibration of the planet.
E: Wow. What? Wow. That's a- That's a perspective.
S: Mmhm.
E: Woo. Okay. So the thing is then, getting to the nuts and bolts of things here, what is it that you have been moving through, Shiai, that has brought this topic up in such a manner in your life?
S: Hmm. Well, if I were to really summarize it down to the the real bare-bones, I would say that I'm in the midst of an unfolding sexual evolution. That I had some experiences. This spring that I did not… that just seemed like a very flesh opportunity, and then realized quickly that there were doors opening that were way beyond my physical reality and propelling me in ways that were sexual and just like owning that in my body and opening things up for me that I didn't even realize existed within me. And I'm still unfolding that and figuring that out. And it's like, I've been underwater and I came up and just took a breath and opened my eyes to this whole other part of my path. And it's been hard and beautiful and like ecstasy at times. Like, it’s been all these really amazing things that I feel like are just thrusting me forward and not allowing me to just simply say, ”Oh, that's nice. I'm just going to close that door and go back to this safe feeling over here before all this happened.”
E: Wow. So, as you were speaking, I was shown a visual that actually almost looked mummy-like, and I had a sense that it was you -
S: Mmhm.
E: — enshrouded in mummy-like… I can't say bandages, I have to say garb. And then within that you were in some sort of a cylinder. And it was clear. So it was very easy to see your form. And then suddenly that clear form disappears, which exposes you. Hmm. And then comes the unraveling. So, that garb begins unraveling and the term I heard was “sacred union. Okay. There's going to be more channeling here.
And so, the sacred union is the union of the physical with the divine. This is what we notice you, Shia, have stepped into. And you have done it in the most - you might call it the most base way, due to it being rooted in the sexuality.
S: What does the word base mean in that message?
E: Yeah. Base meaning, I would say, the most human in a very, like, strip away the ego and everything…
S: Mmhmm.
E: And yeah that very base human... I don't even know what term to use from there.The most basic human function, I guess. And not even a function except for the fact that the function itself, oftentimes goes hand-in-hand with its own form of union. So unless there’s masturbation, there is actual sexual intercourse, right?
S: Mmhmm. Yep.
E: So, there’s a sacred union within a sacred union. Which is getting rather meta. Yeah. So as you have been working through this unraveling, so to speak, what has been perhaps one of the most profound actualizations, realizations you have had about yourself?
S: Mmm… That's a great question. I think first, like, the word unraveling was used and for me, I would say, personally, it's felt more descriptively like an unleashing rather than an unraveling. Like, it's taken almost in a sense like my polite kind of rule follower - I'm not those things all the time, but like, in some ways in this physical world in our cultural constraints, I have followed and accepted some of those rules as truths.
And so, I think that that's been part of this unleashing, where it's kind of, like, removed the tether to a lot of cultural constraints, and also opened my eyes to what those, like, cultural constructs have been that maybe I have not looked at, or I've grown up with judgments around. And it's unleashed that.
So, I almost feel feral in a way that is the most positive, rooted, you know, Earth-connected, wild way, like I'm supposed to be. And it's done in this container of spirituality and love and support and non-judgment. So, that might be a little obscure, but that's one of the biggest things from this -one of the meatiest things - is, “Wow, I'm unraveling - going back to that word - belief systems that have been embedded in me, and I'm able to sometimes see them and sometimes not, but I'm letting them go.”
And so that's been a really profound impact of this. And it's not just around the sexual evolution stuff, but it's like something about what I'm tapping into has propelled me to this new place of almost reprogramming (That's the word that's coming to mind.) a lot of my beliefs and a lot of, you know, looking at the cultural constructs in my world and questioning them and saying, ”Why do I believe that? Where is that coming from? Do I actually believe that and is it time to let that belief go?”
E: Hoo. Okay. So, I just - I - That is such a kind of a trait phrase at this point that I just heard in my head, but I'm like, that totally works here: It isn't a moment, it's a movement. So, rather than something that is the combustion point, an ignition point or activation point. And it's like, “Okay. There we go. All good. Let's move along,” it's more like there's that ignition point and then you’re just getting revved up.
I have the sense of so much needing to come online, so to speak, and it can only do that through the way that you are shedding old dogma and things of that nature; beliefs and such; judgments. And I'm curious about the judgment piece. Is it both judgment of the way that your sexuality is manifesting itself as well as judgment for yourself, or is it one or the other?
S: Let me think about that for a sec.
E: Sure.
S: I think the judgment is less being placed on me, from me, and more about recognizing maybe judgments others have instilled or placed on me around their experience of sexuality; a little bit of ancestral grief, maybe, or issues there that I was holding that weren't mine. The way that I was taught about sex in my household was another place that that showed up, and then also, like, my previous judgments that I actually didn't really even know until going through this process around other people's choices of what I would consider outside the cultural norm of choices around sexuality. That make sense?
E: Yes, yes. And I would say that is I mean really awesome, actually, because I- Yes, it's just- I don't even know if I want to use that religion.It isn't necessary. because of the specific religion really just popped in as far as that being, for many people, almost like a gatekeeper, of sorts, could keep them…
S: Yeah.
E: …keep you on this side of things so that you don't, you know- don't look, but-
S: Yeah. And I- I'm so sorry. Go ahead.
E: That's- No, it's okay. Yeah, no. No. You get it. You understand.
S: I do get it. Yeah, and I was just going to add to that, like, the layer that I've been exploring because it's just in my process to look at things meta when they come to mind and then research them and explore them and, you know, kind of flirt with them. And so, one of the things that has been at the forefront is looking at- I just keep calling it “the church” but, you know, religion and how…
E: Oh, yeah.
S: …how, like, I have always known that it's pervasive in our culture, especially in the US and many places worldwide, but also, like, how deeply embedded that is when it comes to choices around and judgments around sexuality, even on our governmental level, and how we villainize people for choosing things that are outside of monogamy and marriage which are, in my belief system now, church constructs, and that our structures within our systems are set up around that construct that is created from the church, in my belief right now.
E: Yes. Yes. I completely agree based on some inquiries that I've made over the past... I don't know how many… at least a year, maybe two, because of stuff coming up around human sexuality. And it begin in a rather innocuous way because it had to do specifically with the usage of pronouns and people choosing to use pronouns that may not fit the widely-perceived assignment that we give them based on what their genitalia is.
So there's that piece and then, related to that, there's also, to me, what appears to be the increase in people who are now identifying as bisexual, who are transgender, who are pansexual, who just, in many ways, are stepping outside of the preferred, quote-unquote, and therefore accepted guidelines of, ”This is what male means, this is what female means and there's certainly nothing in between them.”
It was through inquiries such as that, that I started receiving messages around sexuality and a lot of them came through in a tone that was, like, “You silly humans, you get all caught up in this stuff. It's just not important.” You know?
S: Yes.
E: And at first I was, like, “Well, what do you mean?” You know? Because, I mean, it does tend to bring up those conventions that we’re raised with and perhaps the church teachings that we’re raised with, and at the same time allowing ourselves to give ourselves a break from all of the rules that are put upon us and just simply take a step back and really just look at what's happening right now.
And everything that I've been told is that what's happening right now is, we’re actually, finally taking steps toward restoring our divine sexuality.
S: Mmhmm. Which knows no limits like we place on them in the human realm. Correct?
E: Correct. Yeah. Yes. And that includes our reverence for monogamy…
S: Yes.
E: …and our reverence for labels.
S: Yes. Yeah. And it makes me think of what I believed to be, like, the human idea around the perceived sense of control and this idea of when we label things or we put them in tidy boxes that, maybe for some people, it allows them to believe there's more order and control. And that feel safer for some people, I think, as opposed to, like, this idea of, like, this stuff, maybe, you know… I'm trying not to just, like, state things as fact that are my opinion of this point. Like…
E: Right.
S: …I'm still exploring this, so it's evolving, for sure. It’s part of that evolution. But at this point, I'm just like, it doesn't matter. Like, none of this matters. It only matters because there are people fighting and there's a fear around this. You know? There are humans who are taking a stand for who they truly feel they are outside of those labels and boxes. And there's a lot of pain that comes with that, too.
E: Mmhmm.
S: And, you know, so I don't want to diminish that really important piece of what's going on, and at the same time, like, I'm just personally, like, “Let's just throw it out. It doesn't matter. Let's just embrace the bigger of what all of this can be when we lose that perceived sense of control by labeling and boxing and making things tidy.”
E: Yeah. I love the way that you put that because it just feels like that... That's the thing, right there. And yes, a good part of it is that the way that our human brains work, and therefore the way that our egos work is, it is so much preferred, and so much more comfortable, and so much, quote-unquote, safer to be able to have everything neat and tidy; boxed and categorized and gender-identified, and… And for there to be no gray area. Like, no room for movement; no room for flow.
And the thing is that, having just said that I'm like, ugh. There's the restriction. There's the restriction that we've been living under as a race for millennia now, or nearly so. The point being that, truly, from the time that there was some sort of organized church that saw what they perceived as a need to set some kind of strictures in place to keep their people in line…
S: Mmhmm.
E: …there has been this restriction of flow; this restriction of actually being able to say to the self, “What does sexuality mean for me? How do I feel about my own sense of sexuality? Do I identify with a particular gender?” You know? It's really such an interesting thing and it feels strangulated. You know? And yes, things are beginning to open and yet, holy crap, there's a big section of the population that's, like, holding onto it for dear life. And I almost have this sense of, “But wait! Wait! We can't let that go, too!”
S: Interesting.
E: ”We can’t let go of that piece, too!” Yeah, yeah.
S: Mmm.
E: So, when you look at what you are moving through and how you are blossoming like the most extraordinary lotus blossom, what do you notice about the way that it is impacting you on a day-to-day scale, like, in the very everyday way?
S: It takes a moment of holding up a mirror for reflection, I think. Yeah. The day-to-day… Like, I can more easily name the explosive moments. But daily, I think there is an internal power, strength and grounding that I have experienced way more steadily and evenly since this has happened, than I have before.
So, I've felt it before at times, but there's something about the level of it right now. It's heightened. And it's like, “Boom. I am here.” And even when I'm talking about really intense challenges in my life that can be really sad or, you know, I don't know what to do about them, the word that's coming to mind... I don't know if it's the best to describe it, but like, I'm not feeling like a victim within myself in those moments.
I'm feeling like an observer of what's going on in my life and I'm staking down, like, what I'm seeing and feeling, and I'm able to state it and then I'm able to work on it. But I'm not as stuck in the emotions only of it. So there's some clarity with that power and grounding. That's what reshaped how I'm relating to challenges in my life. That's how I sum it up.
E: So, definitely a ripple effect.
S: Yes. Oh yes, definitely and… Yeah. And it's kind of tempered a bit over time. When it first happened, it was pretty explosive. And, like, I would talk to a friend on the phone and they’d go, “Holy crap! Like, there's so much power coming out of you, I'm almost a little fearful on this end. Like, I've not heard this ever in your voice before.”
And it's just me speaking, but it's coming from a different place. Yeah.
E: Wow. And you know, Shiai, you having said that, I feel like that is probably one of the core challenges that people might have with those who are choosing to step into their divine sexuality, is that it actually untethers them, unleashes them to a point where they are able to far more fully step into their fullness of power, their sense of self. And the thing is, for a lot of people that level of power coming from someone else, yes, it is very uncomfortable because it's like they're being handed a gilded invitation. Like, “Here. Now it's your turn.”
S: Yeah. It's an interesting way to look at it. Yeah.
E: Yeah. And the thing is, I feel too that… I'm going to say perhaps especially when it is observed coming from a woman. Because, you know, as far as we've come and even though we’re in the 21st century - almost a quarter of the way through it - the fact is that there is still a prevailing wind that women are supposed to stand in a certain position, and they're only supposed to act in certain ways, and they're only supposed to expend a certain amount of power. ”Here, let me pat you on the head. There you go.”
S: It's just making me think of what's been attracted in my life as this unfolds also, which is other women in this position. And some more consciously so than others. But I am all of a sudden surrounding myself with women who are, like, actively in their power is one way I'll put it. And, you know, some, like I said, more conscious and more able to, like, talk that out with me; others, just doing it because it's just where they are.
And it's around their sexuality; opening that up or exposing that for them. And that's been a curious part of my journey, too, where I was describing it to some friends recently, where I've always felt like I danced the edge, kind of like the coyote on the edge of the field, you know, of powerful women in my lifeand been like, “Mmm, not really part of that,” you know, but I'll dip my toe in now and again or I’ll, you know, maybe someone will sit and confide in me and I can help them with something and that's good enough.
And since this has happened, that's been part of the unfolding,is like, “No, I belong in that circle, damn it.” And I'm in, and I just stepped in and, like, all of a sudden that's who I'm surrounding myself with.
And these are people that are like, “Oh, like, where have you been?” Like, “We knew you were supposed to be here,” you know. Or a friend who said, “Well, yeah. We've known this for 15 years. Where have you been?” You know?
And just, like, finally getting there myself to whatever that is; have the confidence, the knowing, the capability, like, whatever it is on my journey that I had to get to to stake down and not just say, “I’m gonna try it out. Maybe they'll open the door for me,” but instead say, ”I am one of them and I am now in the circle.” You know?
Not asking for it. Not trying to find my way in, but just doing it.
—————-> More transcription to come.
This episode of The Spiral Podcast is brought to you by The Spiral. The Spiral is a community of energy healers, Earth angels, lightworkers, mediums and other metaphysical practitioners - both personal and professional. It’s a safe space where we discuss our esoteric and paranormal and supernatural and spiritual experiences and observations and support each other’s evolution as divine beings navigating a human incarnation. It’s also a space where classes related to our practices are offered.
Learn more about The Spiral at spiral.ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes.
And now, back to our topic.
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Podcast music licensed through AudioJungle: “Inspire the World“ by Vim Inod Music.