No Place Like Home: Seventh Card for the New Energies
If you read this week’s guidance message, you’ll know it’s suggested we draw a daily card specific to the message to help glean all we can from it.
? My first personal draw for the week was Imagine.
? My second personal draw for the week was Between Worlds.
? My third personal draw for the week was Yin.
? My fourth personal draw for the week was To Be Fair.
? My fifth personal draw for the week was Higher Power.
? My sixth personal draw for the week was Soul Mates.
Here’s the card I drew for me today, and its message for my work’s evolution:
![No Place Like Home: Seventh Card for the New Energies](
No Place Like Home ~ Card from Colette Baron-Reid's Wisdom of the Oracle deck.
We wish to be in reminding all women the home is within. We see the within home is the spirit. We see the within home is the heart.
We feel the time is come to be in which all women must be in accordance with their home within. We feel the women will be in benefit, the home will be in benefit, the Earth will be in benefit, and all humanity will be in benefit.
To be in the home is to be in accordance with the spirit and the heart and is to be in accordance, therefore, with the one. We see in this way the women will accept the birthright to which they are born, and the abilities which come into the birth.
Well. That's certainly a way to define "home is where the heart is." in this definition, home is carried with us, everywhere we go, and that's the point, of course, of the quote.
There's another perspective to offer up for consideration here. In the comments section of various blogs and forums and Facebook groups and pages, I've seen it written, "I want to go home!"
The context of the proclamation or plea is that the person making the statement wants to be crossed over or taken off-planet to some better place or planet.
The thing is, when one is crossed from the human plane into the spirit plane, there's no tremendous travel involved. There's no going off-planet, per se. Instead, there's residing in a different state of consciousness; one which is without the flesh of the body and the weight of the ego.
That residence is, comparatively speaking, side-by-side with the human experience. In-spirit loved ones, guides, and angels are right here with us, sharing space, albeit in a non-spatial way.
So home... Home is here. Home is now. Home is presence. Home is love. Home is peace.
And it's for all that, that we can wisely say there is no place like home.