Our True Self: Owning Our Spiritual Nature


Our true self is our soul. Put another way, our soul is our true self. While the ego would prefer we engage with it as though it claimed that role, that would be an unfortunate mistake.

Our True Self: Owning Our Spiritual Nature | Ellen M. Gregg :: Intuitive :: The Soul Ways

The ego exemplifies the nature of the human body. It's finite. When we die and leave our body behind, we leave the ego as well. It dies, too. The soul remains, evolving and infinite; sprawling and illuminated; readying for its next adventure. And while we incarnate, we may engage all those soul qualities within the human structure.

In last week's post I spoke of synergizing our earthly and spiritual beingness. And I referenced Jesus and his beingness as an example. In keeping with that, we could say that Jesus owned his true self. He allowed his soul and its qualities to lead the way. And while it's unlikely he successfully allowed it 100% of the time during his life, we might rightfully assume he intended it that way. So, even when the ego lorded it over him at times, it was a short-lived reign. And ideally our experience could prove similar.

The highest and best

The true self considers the highest and best of the ensouled body, always. That's its nature. And the ego strives for serving the human ways, always. That's its nature. Sometimes, the two intersect. When that happens, it almost feels as though the ego made a mistake. Because often what rises up for the highest and best of the ensouled body appears unsafe from the ego's perspective.

And yet, if we surrender ourselves through allowing our soul a voice in our human lives we discover an ease of being that belies the ego's entrapment. And we discover an ease of living in this human guise on this human world we may not have dreamed possible.

All it requires from us is faith that our soul knows us better than our ego, and works tirelessly for our highest and best. Faith acts as surrendering, in a beautifully and sometimes imperceptibly active way. As inward a movement as having faith is, it creates magnificent outward movement. And it creates a sense of peace and meaningfulness immeasurable by human standards.

Being our true self is the ultimate act of self-deliverance and self-actualization. May we find within ourselves the ability to surrender.

Previous posts in the Owning Our Spiritual Nature series

  1. Exiting the Spiritual Closet
  2. Experimenting with Spiritual Pursuits
  3. Spiritual Comparison
  4. Spiritual Awakening
  5. Spiritual Activations
  6. Specialness in Spirituality
  7. The Wounded Healer’s Heart
  8. Sharing Our Spiritual Nature
  9. How Relationships Change with Spiritual Growth
  10. Change is Constant with Spiritual Growth
  11. Setting Boundaries
  12. Synergizing Our Earthly and Spiritual Beingness


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