The 611 Portal of 2019
The 611 portal of 2019 denotes our halfway point for this calendar year - as far as these portals go. The energy of this portal nods toward the "energizing" energy of the approaching Summer solstice here in the Northern hemisphere. Longer and warmer days equal energizing energy. It equally nods toward the "blanketing" energy of the approaching Winter solstice in the Southern hemisphere. Shorter and cooler days equal blanketing energy.
The 611 Portal of 2019 | A blog post by Ellen M. Gregg :: Intuitive | #611 #611portal #energyreading #thesoulways
"The 611 portal portends a reclamation of the balance between light and dark; between good and evil; between present and past. The reclamation is as though a sentry, guarding and yet guiding as the awakened shudder through the portal. There stands for all a point of no return."
So, that's interesting. And it aligns with both a feeling and a word that arose with the opening paragraph: "watchful." A sentry stands watchful, as their work requires of them.
The 611 portal of 2019 "is a gatekeeper," I hear. Question is, a "gatekeeper" for what?
"The portal is as though a gatekeeper for the ego and the soul. There needs come a balancing of these energies for those who walk through the portal. There needs be a remembering the ego serves not the soul, and the soul serves not the ego. They are as though passive partners."
I see two hands sharing a handshake of respect - nothing more. The action represents the "passive partners" of soul and ego.
"The portal awakens the engagement of the soul and the observance of the ego. The engaged soul enters a correspondence of great strength with the human. The observant ego watches the proceeding with understanding of its importance, refraining from interference."
This reminds me of Elizabeth Gilbert's analogy from Big Magic in which intuitive creativity (soul) sits in the driver's seat of the car. Meanwhile, the ego sits in back, an observant passenger (and potential backseat driver if left without compassionate guidance).
" the awakened shudder through the portal."
What about the 611 portal of 2019 would have "the awakened" shuddering through it?
"Relative to this inquiry, understand that balance requires adjustment. The shuddering then rises from the sudden and perhaps sharp recalibration of that which is out of balance assigning balance."
That makes sense. And it feels as though the "shuddering" could happen at the physical level. It feels as though we may experience that recalibration in a very physical way, as is often the nature of activations of this sort. Portals such as this represent collective activations "for the betterment of all and everything." In other words, these portals represent activations for the greater good. And that offers an explanation for this representing a "point of no return."
Is there a protocol for the portal?
"The protocol for the portal asks that you breathe into the energy centers of the heart and solar plexus. Then, it asks that you prepare for the shuddering, after which you will wish refreshment."
So, this means intending that our inbreath fill the heart and solar plexus chakras. I understand three inbreaths fulfill this portion of the protocol.
Leaning into "prepare for the shuddering," it feels as though quiet and meditative breathing serves us here. There's a "birthing" quality to the "shuddering" that intentional breathing greatly serves.
As for "refreshment," I taste/feel cool (not cold) water in my mouth. Considering the portal's activations likely affect us cellularly, given the potential physical response, plenty of water supports the release of toxins from our systems, both energetically and physically.
And there we have it, dear ones. Blessed be.