Thoughts on Women Supporting Women
Women supporting women... In a way, we might consider this a no-brainer. I mean, why wouldn't women support - honor, raise up - other women? The fact exists that this way of being isn't a given. Whether through conditioning or choice, sometimes we find the exact opposite is true.

I'm enjoying the reboot of the series Charmed (season one now on Netflix). On a recent episode, two situations arose around women supporting women.
The first situation pitted one woman (witch) against another, with both misled about the other's motives. It took one of them seeing the truth and seeing the other woman in her truth before the situation resolved.
The second situation revolved around an instance of slut-shaming. Private pictures were shared via text and/or social media, targeting the woman in question. It took a woman speaking up publicly on behalf of the shamed woman, resulting in authorities being notified, before the situation resolved.
Both the situations and their resolutions provided powerful examples of women supporting women. And even though fictional in nature, they offered real-world perspective and inspiration.
We live at a point in Earth's story where women rise further into balance with men every day. It's beautiful and heartening and hopeful.
The old paradigm (ego-based) supports jealousy and judgement between women, and of those women rising publicly, especially. And it condones competition between them while undermining community and collaboration.
The new paradigm (soul-based) supports gladness and sensitivity between women, and toward those women rising publicly. And it condones community and collaboration between them while undermining competition.
The higher women rise, the more pushback we receive. The more traction the old paradigm loses, the more it fights for survival. Through women supporting women, we steadily regain balance and strengthen the new paradigm. Let's do that. Let's be that.
Blessed be.