004. Pushback Against Intuition

23 February 2021

Sometimes, our ego likes to get all up in itself around intuitive guidance, messages, insights; those things which come from the ethers and may be without any perceived anchor to the human “reality.” When that happens, we may experience resistance because there’s no proof (or convenience) for the ego to approve of.

That’s the topic of this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast: pushback against intuition. Enjoy.

Ellen M. Gregg, Intuitive Healer
004. Pushback Against Intuition, Innately Intuitive Podcast
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The Transcript

Hi, there. This is… okay… See, I assume that I'm going to begin talking and then my muscles are activated energetically which tells me that there's a message already, and so I'm just going to give over to that and see what is coming up here.

Human pushback

What we ask for this episode is for Ellen to speak to the pushback, the human pushback, that is against the intuitive guidance; against the channeled messages; against that which is for the highest and best and yet the ego says, ‘No. This isn't for me,’ or seeks another way, or chooses procrastination.

So, I'm not tremendously surprised by that, I guess. I have heard the word “pushback” twice in the past hour as I have been doing some form of procrastination here and there… Although, one particular task that I thought at first was procrastination turned out to be not at all procrastination.

And I feel like I'm sort of teasing that a little bit. I'm not sure that it's important for me to mention what it was. Is it important? No, it isn't. So, just to say that it's nothing earth-shattering, except that my ego thought it was earth-shattering. That is the function of our egos oftentimes.

And yes, today I have really been grappling with that very ego-based pushback, and it's because this is Friday afternoon, the 19th of February, and tomorrow, Saturday, is my last day before I go on vacation for a week as I committed to back in August.

And there was even some pushback last week from myself - from my ego - around doing that, saying, “But I'm not really tired. It's okay. I'll just work that week and that'll be fine.”

And intuitively speaking, the answer to that is unequivocally, “No.” I need that time. And today, I'm really feeling how much I need that time. Intuition knows best, people. Intuition knows best.

Content commitment

So, the pushback that I've been dealing with today, and I have been dealing with off and on, actually, all this week, is around the fact that I developed a content calendar for myself for the months of February and March; three forms of content for my blog each week, which is completely doable; completely reasonable.

The thing is, I've gotten to today and I still have content to create for next week. I have one blog post completely done and it is already scheduled for publication next Thursday. I have one more to write for next Saturday, for the 27th of February. And then there is this podcast episode which I'm recording now.

And the thing is, again, I actually enjoy creating content. And three forms of content a week truly are completely doable.

Except that, I'm tired.

Except that, as I was saying to my guides just a few minutes before pressing record to create this episode, ”Why bother to put content out during my vacation week? It will look as though I'm active when really I'm not.”

This is what my ego came up with. I mean, you can look at that and say, “Well, that is reasonable.” I mean, isn't it reasonable? Feel free to play ego’s advocate.

And yet, intuitively speaking, the answer to that is, “No. That isn't okay.” Part of it is the commitment that was created, the content that was planned, because there's always a plan to the content.

And even beyond that, it's the point that there's another narrative here which has to do with the very, very practical of producing content three times a week or so on my website keeps traffic active on my website. And it is super practical. Right? And it's also really important.

And that's part of the reason why the entire content calendar for February and March were created several weeks ago. Everything was already in place. I channeled the titles of all the blog posts. The only information that wasn't given to me is what the topics for the podcast episodes would be. So, it's just a matter of then filling in blanks, really.

Intuition, meet the human ego

So, the thing is, this does come up with intuition because sometimes we’ll receive guidance, or channeled messages or other forms of intuitive insight, direction, that would seem to butt up against our human lives in one way or another.

And what I mean by that is that in our humanness, we would say, “It just doesn't make sense.” Depending on what it is, we could say, “I don't have any proof that's going to happen” or “What does that even mean? I'm not going to share something I don't understand.” You know?

Or “I'm not going to do something that I don't understand the reason for.” And right there, it's like, “Give me a reason.” Why? Why, truly, do we need a reason? There's a big question right there, it feels like. Unless, of course, it's pertaining to something that is literally a matter of life and death, do we really need a reason?

And it's so funny because I just heard “yes or no.” And the point of that from my guides is reminding us that when someone asks us to do something, we are pretty good about saying yes without any qualification. Yes is typically really pretty easy unless it's some sort of ask that really takes us outside of our comfort zone.

No, on the other hand... If we say no, maybe we’re letting someone down as we perceive it. Maybe we're concerned how it might look to someone. And so we might still say no and yet it will be with apology. It will be with excuse. It will be with reason.

And what I'm being told is we owe no one apology, excuse or reason for saying no. So, that's sort of an aside and yet that feels really important to say that.

So yes, pushback with intuition.

What we see here is that for you humans, you do like to have your proof; you do like to have your reasoning; you do like to be in control. And when things appear to be out of your control, to have no valid reason, to be without proof, you present pushback.
And what we notice is, it would be a healthful, helpful exercise to permit yourself to explore how it is when you follow the guidance offered; when you listen and adhere to the message offered, the insight offered, without requiring and without even allowing yourself the need for reason, proof, control.
It is a valuable lesson. It is a valuable exercise. It will support you to be better in tune with your own intuitive knowing.

“It would be a healthful, helpful exercise to permit yourself to explore how it is when you follow the guidance offered; when you listen and adhere to the message offered, the insight offered, without requiring and without even allowing yourself the…

“It would be a healthful, helpful exercise to permit yourself to explore how it is when you follow the guidance offered; when you listen and adhere to the message offered, the insight offered, without requiring and without even allowing yourself the need for reason, proof, control.“ Quote from Pushback Against Intuition, episode 004 of Innately Intuitive Podcast with Ellen M. Gregg. #intuition #intuitive #guidance #messages #insights #ego #pushback #ellenmgregg #innatelyintuitive #innatelyintuitivepodcast #intuitivehealer


And there we have it, dear ones. There we have it.


And so, here's me finishing the recording for this episode of Innately Intuitive Podcast, after which I will edit it, upload it for transcription, and schedule it on my podcast host and on my blog, so that Tuesday of next week, which will be the 23rd of February, it will go live as if I pressed the button myself on that day.

Sending you a nice warm hug. And hoping you'll allow yourself to intuit without pushback. It's a much nicer way of being.

You can subscribe to Innately Intuitive Podcast on most major podcast outlets. And if you wish to leave a comment or a suggestion, you can do that in the blog post associated with this episode at ellenmgregg.com. The link is in the show notes.

Thanks so much for listening. Take good care.


Podcast music, “For Spring Inspiration” by Praded, licensed through AudioJungle.


Proactive Boundaries

