Everyday Witch Tarot: Interviewing Divination Decks

This week, I'm interviewing Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

Interviewing Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Black, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

For context: Sixteen weeks ago, I wrote a post about the notion of interviewing divination decks. The intent: learning more about their purpose and energy.

In that post, I mentioned that I'd be interviewing all of the divination decks I work with. That process began fifteen weeks ago, and has so far included:

♥ Oracle of the Angels by Mario Duguay,
Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid,
Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid,
The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid,
The Awakened Soul Oracle by Ethony Dawn,
Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer,
The Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid,
Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris-Anne,
Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor,
Chrysalis Tarot by Holly Sierra and Toney Brooks,
Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Christiane Northrup,
Magic & Manifestation Affirmation Cards by Cristina Re,
Mystical Wisdom card deck by Gaye Guthrie,
Keepers of the Light oracle cards by Kyle Gray, and
New Age Hipster InstaOracle by Vix

Let's acquaint ourselves with this deck.

What is the ideal purpose of Everyday Witch Tarot deck?

Three of Cups ~ Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

Three of Cups ~ Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

The purpose of Everyday Witch Tarot cards is to foster the rituals of the women who are wishing to remember their divine feminine nature.

Ooh... After studying three of cups from the Universal Waite Tarot deck last week, this is intriguing and enthralling.

The intriguing aspect comes from wanting more ritual in my own life. It also comes from an observation that many women would likely benefit from more ritual in their lives.

The enthralling aspect comes from the potential I feel for realizing that spiritually enhanced ritual in our everyday life. It feels rich with fulfillment.

What is the energy form of Everyday Witch Tarot deck?

Six of Swords ~ Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

Six of Swords ~ Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

The form of Everyday Witch Tarot deckis that of powerful intuition and keen awareness. The energy engages with the brain and yet is ruled by the soul.

Whew. We aren't in Kansas anymore with that level of response. The suit of swords associates with the element of air, which associates with our mind. For the channeled message to fold intuition and the soul into the mix feels almost like a paradigm shift within Tarot (at least, within Everyday Witch Tarot).

Who is your ideal querent?

Strength ~ Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

Strength ~ Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

The ideal querent is one who embodies strength of worth, strength of energy, and strength of femininity.

Well. So interesting that the channeled answer feels as much an invitation as a challenge. It almost feels like a dare, in fact.

I have a vision of our various spirit guides. They're lined up in front of us, hands on hips, neutral expression save for one eyebrow raised, waiting.

Who will benefit from working with you?

Four of Cups ~ Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

Four of Cups ~ Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

Those who will most benefit from these cards are those who present with an understanding of all that is available to them, and as yet are unable to engage with the full picture of their soul and its purpose.

There's that challenge, that invitation that dare, again. The imagery on the card speaks volumes.

The man has three gorgeous cups that are clearly serviceable, and yet something is missing. At the door stands someone - a guide? an angel? - with another cup; the missing link, perhaps.

Can anyone work with you regardless of experience?

Knight of Pentacles ~ Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

Knight of Pentacles ~ Everyday Witch Tarot, created by Deborah Blake, illustrated by Elisabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn Publishing.

The cards will work well with any who wish to experience more than their three-dimensional selves as they are in service to their soul.

Wow. What a message.

The imagery on the card says it all, really. Notice the tools this knight has at the ready. Notice the full sack, the familiar, the pentacle acting perhaps as a compass. There's adventure to be had through these cards.

Everyday Witch Tarot Deck Info

♥ 78 cards in an over-sized box
♥ A full-sized (5.25" x 8") 254-page guidebook

Are you ready to experience yourself beyond the 3-D? ♥


Universal Waite Tarot: Interviewing Divination Decks


New Age Hipster InstaOracle: Interviewing Divination Decks