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Categories: Divination Earth Matters Energy Work Intuition Podcast Spirituality Well-Being Writing
025. Corporate Ladder to Spiritual Awakening with Sarah Joanne Ashurst
In this episode of Soul Chats Podcast, I'm chatting with Sarah Joanne Ashurst about the particulars of transitioning from a corporate career to a spiritual career, facing changes in relationships through a spiritual awakening, and the existence of fairies, dragons, mermaids and more... among other things. Enjoy.
024. Finding the Light in Energy Medicine: Kristine Sunn
Kristine Sunn, a.k.a. The Energist, joins me in a conversation that illuminates her harrowing experiences with demonic energies and paranormal activity from a very early age. In addition, she shares how most of her life was tainted with assault, rape and molestation. That was her experience until she found energy medicine, and was shown her power to choose her experience. The combination changed everything for her. We talk about that, and so much more.
023. Owning the Sacred Feminine: Sapha Arias
In this episode, I’m chatting with Sapha Arias of Nourishing Paths. We discuss the trap of comfort, the power (and necessity) of choice, owning the sacred feminine, the deep power and true meaning of Yoga and more.
022. Reconnecting with Our Body: Nichole Wurth
In this episode of Soul Chats Podcast, Nichole Wurth of Wildly Alive, Inc. chats with me about the disservice diet culture has on our connection with our body, the importance of tuning in to our body and her needs, and so much more.
021. The Wisdom of Loss and Faith: Debra Marcotte
In this episode, I’m talking with long-time friend and sister of my heart Debra Marcotte, a Waldorf teacher whose life path includes the loss of her eldest son to suicide. Yes, we go there and Deb opens up about the challenges and the supports that have shaped her since… among many other things.
Soul Chats Podcast, Episode 020: Ellen M. Gregg (Your Host)
In this week’s episode, our topics are intuition and its benefits, the energy of COVID-19, the ways of light and dark, poltergeists, and energy exchange.
019: Della Menechella of Personal Power Unlimited, LLC
In this episode of Soul Chats Podcast, I’m chatting with spiritual life coach and mentor Della Menechella of Unlimited Personal Power, LLC, a.k.a Spiritual Success Rx, about what it takes to be a success in business and create financial prosperity - among other things. Enjoy.
018: Sheila Kadeer - The Entrepreneurs Intuitive
Sheila Kadeer supports entrepreneurs to grow their businesses using her arsenal of intuitive tools. How she came to be in this line of work is a fantastic story all in itself.